The Black Sunday Fires: A Short Photo-Essay

26 February, 2011

Three weeks after the devastating Black Sunday bushfires in the Perth suburbs of Roleystone and Kelmscott, my son (who turned 8 today) and I drove there to witness the damage for ourselves.  Many of the roads in the area are still closed.  There is a bridge on Brookton Highway which had collapsed, effectively cutting off the highway from Albany Highway.

We followed the detour signs, and found ourselves amongst what was once a large bush reserve.  I don't know what was once here, but it's all gone.

The trees have been completely burnt.  The bushes and groundcover are completely gone, leaving only the bare dirt.

These grasstrees will recover.  I'm not sure about these other trees because a lot of them are not mature trees and they have been completely burnt.

Only the brick walls of this brick and iron house remain standing.  What struck me was that the neighbour's house was undamaged and the people have returned.  Driving along these streets, it's strange to see houses completely razed among rows of houses that seem fine or only slightly fire-damaged.  It must have been that ashes and sparks here fell on homes at random.  We could only get to the areas which weren't completely burnt out, many of the roads leading to the areas where dozens and dozens of homes were destroyed are closed.

Stuck to the colourbond roof here in the foreground is melted aluminium, probably from ceiling insulation batts.

This steel-framed house is completely burnt.  A garden hose remains on the dirt, the people must have fled after desperately trying to save their home.  You can see the burnt hills in the background.

This was the laundry.

This was a large brick and tile family home.  Only the walls remain standing.  The Subaru WRX in the garage here has been completely burnt along with all the furniture, appliances, and personal effects.

It is amazing that this fire that burnt hundreds of hectares of bush, destroyed 72 homes, and damaged a further 23, was caused by someone's carelessness with the use of an angle grinder!  This is heart-breaking stuff.


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